Event marketing managers create emotional worlds once you spoke of events which played similar to the sponsorship, a relatively minor role in the communications mix. In the meantime much has changed: the direct speech of the customers, the combination of acoustic, Visual, and tactile stimuli in the mass and the transporting of vibrant messages, have become coupled with the experience the declared aim of events. The successful implementation of business events such as conferences, product launches, roadshows, presentations, meetings, shareholder meetings and corporate parties requires that an event manager implements the objectives of marketing and pursued. As well, the marketing of public events such as concerts, tours, shows, sporting events requires a complex understanding of all areas of experience communication. Developing, planning and marketing of events requires a thorough understanding of marketing. Therefore all overarching are marketing to students in the first semester and political communication basics", said the head of the Academy of the CTE, Mirko Rutz. In the zweisemestrigem main course students learn about event management, exhibition management, Conference Management, event technology and project management, to name a few of the 12 subjects. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Glenn Dubin, New York City has to say.
At the end of the study, develop and present the students a practice project that consists of an event concept for a real company. With this study the future be prepared event marketing manager CTE/specialist/in for event marketing CTE optimally, events as an emotional platform to use to transport messages effectively to strengthen personal contacts and to inspire people", explains Hauke Schmidt, owner of the Dusseldorf event agency Schmidt point and lecturer for event marketing the CTE. The study can both in-service training for career changers, would already have a corresponding qualification in the event area and specialize in the event area, as well as Beginners, who have at least a vocational diploma, be completed. Just for young professionals, the CTE event marketing management recommends the volunteer training. This clever and lucrative version of the vocational training is more and more, confirming the growth of open volunteer positions in the CTE job market. Studied is two to three times a week in the evening.
The study includes over 600 hours and lasts 18 months. More information on the Internet at: content/view/103/204 / the course looked after Mrs Elvira Wittmann: Tel.: 0221/934778-21 E-Mail: e.wittmann at wak-koeln.de the CTE - West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956 she turns by companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task, the next generation for the communications industry high-quality professional and practical training. Today, about 80 companies, media, agencies and associations support the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far have over 15,000 Students completed their studies at the CTE and are predominantly found in positions of responsibility in the communication industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers currently 10 courses in evening and day form, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position. Press contact: Brigitte Abels Tel.: 0221-93 47 78-0 E-Mail: b.abels at wak-koeln.de address CTE West German Academy for communication e.V. Bonn road 271 50968 Koln
At the end of the study, develop and present the students a practice project that consists of an event concept for a real company. With this study the future be prepared event marketing manager CTE/specialist/in for event marketing CTE optimally, events as an emotional platform to use to transport messages effectively to strengthen personal contacts and to inspire people", explains Hauke Schmidt, owner of the Dusseldorf event agency Schmidt point and lecturer for event marketing the CTE. The study can both in-service training for career changers, would already have a corresponding qualification in the event area and specialize in the event area, as well as Beginners, who have at least a vocational diploma, be completed. Just for young professionals, the CTE event marketing management recommends the volunteer training. This clever and lucrative version of the vocational training is more and more, confirming the growth of open volunteer positions in the CTE job market. Studied is two to three times a week in the evening.
The study includes over 600 hours and lasts 18 months. More information on the Internet at: content/view/103/204 / the course looked after Mrs Elvira Wittmann: Tel.: 0221/934778-21 E-Mail: e.wittmann at wak-koeln.de the CTE - West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956 she turns by companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task, the next generation for the communications industry high-quality professional and practical training. Today, about 80 companies, media, agencies and associations support the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far have over 15,000 Students completed their studies at the CTE and are predominantly found in positions of responsibility in the communication industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers currently 10 courses in evening and day form, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position. Press contact: Brigitte Abels Tel.: 0221-93 47 78-0 E-Mail: b.abels at wak-koeln.de address CTE West German Academy for communication e.V. Bonn road 271 50968 Koln