Interview with Obeid KG reflects the development of the multimedia call center consultants Web 2.0 revolutionises the social media marketing. Through the use of social networks, the exchange of information acquired new dimensions. Authenticity, customer service and customer acquisition are promoted and optimized. This customer-friendly development requires the service agent 2.0 a multimedia consultant. In an interview with the trade magazine call center SCOUT, F. Alexander Kep expressed by company Obeid KG on the topic of customer service in the social media. Mr Kep, Web 2.0 and social media is on the rise.
What impact does this have on the call center and BPO industry? Classic call center will be extended by new instruments of dialogue and media centers, the staff service agent 2.0. What exactly is behind the term service agent 2.0? The service agent 2.0 is a multimedia supervisor. Equally, he uses various dialogue instruments such as phone, Twitter, blogs & co. How has communication between customers and company changed by social media? Brand transparency and the results of social media communications is a customer dialogue early in the public. Customers use social networks to communicate with company complaints, praise and recommendations be made aware public. How German companies react to the developments of Web 2.0? A frighteningly high percentage of German companies has lagged behind the new requirements through social media. The fear of the public dialogue often faces the realization that new opportunities and develop unstoppable.
This means that the customer has gained more power over the image of a company through Twitter, Facebook & co.? Customers participate more actively than ever before in the communication process. This requires a quick and qualified response in the B2C service. The service agent 2.0 is the non plus ultra in the communication process - both the cost aspect and its effect. Submit what approach companies, what makes Obeid so special? Obeid has both the service and the substantive added value thoughts internalized and is as BPO service providers active around 20 years. Obeid takes everything in social media: creating content, intervention monitoring, response communication, community service, and more. You can find the full interview at: press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: XING: profiles/FAlexander_Kep2 Obeid in the Internet: user/OMEGOffm company portrait: Obeid KG in Frankfurt am Main is a grown and owner-run company from the German middle class. As a service provider and service factory stands for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support in the area of business process outsourcing"Obeid. Business focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes up to multi-tiered corporate functions. As one of the first German vendors with CRM structures Obeid provides effective and measurable solutions for integrated social media marketing and customer service in the social networks. BPO - business partner Obeid cared for more than 20 years cross-industry business customers from the middle class, as well as a number of international corporations.
What impact does this have on the call center and BPO industry? Classic call center will be extended by new instruments of dialogue and media centers, the staff service agent 2.0. What exactly is behind the term service agent 2.0? The service agent 2.0 is a multimedia supervisor. Equally, he uses various dialogue instruments such as phone, Twitter, blogs & co. How has communication between customers and company changed by social media? Brand transparency and the results of social media communications is a customer dialogue early in the public. Customers use social networks to communicate with company complaints, praise and recommendations be made aware public. How German companies react to the developments of Web 2.0? A frighteningly high percentage of German companies has lagged behind the new requirements through social media. The fear of the public dialogue often faces the realization that new opportunities and develop unstoppable.
This means that the customer has gained more power over the image of a company through Twitter, Facebook & co.? Customers participate more actively than ever before in the communication process. This requires a quick and qualified response in the B2C service. The service agent 2.0 is the non plus ultra in the communication process - both the cost aspect and its effect. Submit what approach companies, what makes Obeid so special? Obeid has both the service and the substantive added value thoughts internalized and is as BPO service providers active around 20 years. Obeid takes everything in social media: creating content, intervention monitoring, response communication, community service, and more. You can find the full interview at: press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: XING: profiles/FAlexander_Kep2 Obeid in the Internet: user/OMEGOffm company portrait: Obeid KG in Frankfurt am Main is a grown and owner-run company from the German middle class. As a service provider and service factory stands for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support in the area of business process outsourcing"Obeid. Business focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes up to multi-tiered corporate functions. As one of the first German vendors with CRM structures Obeid provides effective and measurable solutions for integrated social media marketing and customer service in the social networks. BPO - business partner Obeid cared for more than 20 years cross-industry business customers from the middle class, as well as a number of international corporations.