
Telecommunications At present to choose name of I dominate is not as easy as we wanted, because with the passage of years thousands of new dominions they are registered. Reason why it is necessary to consider some aspects. For companies, educative or governmental organizations, institutions, the following are the ideal types of dominion: Lucrative activity: .COM/.COM.MX/.MX nonlucrative Activity: .ORG/.ORG.MX educative Institution: .EDU.MX governmental Institution: .GOB.MX Telecommunications: .NET/.NET.MX When choosing the dominion name we must consider possible protection of mark or the most advisable name of our activity, because this will cause that our page easily is memorised, like will be able or not to generally offer us to greater comfort in its use our electronic mails and publicity. It sees the following example to see that a short name always will be more practitioner than a long and compound name. IBICSA (Industry Bioenergetics of Centro, SA of CB) But comfortable and appropriate Web site: Post office: Less practitioner and more complicated Web site: Mail: In many cases a name of long and compound dominion brings about innumerable errors in publicity and gets to force to change designs of materials printed like business cards because the electronic mail or page Web occupies as much space that the uniformity and harmony of the design break completely, or simply does not fit in the designated spaces. A reason to register the more soon possible its name of dominion is that the companies look for to protect its name or its registered tradename at least the main commercial dominions in its different variants .COM .COM.MX and .MX, and it is not difficult to find companies in different branches that own the same commercial name or marks. For this reason, who has a relatively common or very attractive name, it can be certainly will be many...